Tuesday, July 7, 2020

21. On a teacher becoming a professional

A profession according to  the Oxford Dictionary,  is a type of job that needs special training or skill especially one that needs a high level of education. Professionalism assumes that we expect from a person who is  well trained in a particular job, a high standard.
The professional responsibilities of  a teacher usually involves the following:
* Thinking about ones own teaching and being on the look out for ways of improving it.
*Keeping a clear record of  the work of ones own student.
*Communicating with the parents and the institutional authorities the performance of the students, one is assigned to teach.
*Contributing positively both  to the institution one is working and the community.
*Demonstrating professionalism includes:
 a. Working  for the best interests of ones students;
 b.Ensuring that all students are valued and helped in ones institution;
 c. Making decisions that benefit the institution rather than oneself;
d. Maintaining  a positive and healthy relationship with the students and the staff.
During the  recently  concluded  International Conference  of ELTAI held at Chennai, one  session was devoted to  a Panel Discussion on ‘How I Became a Professional’

An erudite scholar Dr. Chellapan one of the panellists,  had this to say:

* A teacher rediscovers knowledge.
* Teaching can focus on the Universal and the Particular...on the Cognitive and the Affective...That is, it must  be sensitive to Knowledge and Art.  A teacher must be academically sound and artistically perfect  in communication.
*Beauty may be aesthetic...but Duty is ethical... The teacher ought to have a human obligation... a commitment  and  a passion for knowledge... the right kind of passion... and a commitment to inquiry and practice.
* Making others learn by teaching is actually impossible...Ideally teaching should be in the form of a dialogue... We are familiar with drilling in the Structural Approach:
This is a book
This is a book
This is a book
This is a book
This is a book
...Such drilling may help in memorising ... but the moment the pattern changes:
Learner: This is a book...This is a book...This is a book..
Teacher: Why?
Now learning happens... Students begin to think...
* It is imperative for every teacher to evolve his/her own identity.
* Teachers need to draw on Literature, Language and Art. Teaching would involve:
1.Knowledge for Practice
2. Knowledge of Practice
3.Knowldege through Practice
It is worth recalling Gandhiji...Education for life...Education through life...Education throughout life...

I  particularly liked an anecdote which Dr. Chellappan  narrated: Some thirty years ago,  Dr. Faustus was  being  screened in  a  cinema theatre in Chennai. As  he was teaching the same play, he asked his  students to  see the film. A  couple of days later  when Dr. Chellappan inquired  about the  acting in the film... his students had only one thing to say: “ Sir.. Dr. Faustus’  description of  Helen’s face “ ...Is this the face that launched a thousand ships” lacked the passion  which you  showed when you enunciated the lines in the class!”  To this Dr. Chellappan had this to say to his students: “ Well... in the film, Richard Burton was addressing his wife... and in the class  I was  addressing  an imaginary Helen!”
From the note that I made  from Dr. Chellappan’s talk don’t you think he is a true professional?....Wouldn’t you like to be one too??

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