Tuesday, July 7, 2020

9. In the Smithy of Learning

[Originally published in  ELT Chat of  www.Free_esl.com on  Teacher’s Day 05 September 2007 ]

Greetings on Teacher’s Day (05 September, 2007)

There  are three immediate factors that concerns  the teacher:
 1. The Learner
 2. The Classroom
 3. The Subject / language  being taught.

* Teaching is essentially finding a way to deal with 1,2 & 3. 

And to do this, “ A teacher has to be like a candle who lights others in
consuming itself… and great teachers  do it!!!

The ‘smithy’ refers to classroom… and English Language
      Classroom     practices ought  to focus on the following:

* Understanding  how children construct their own knowledge
* Insisting on active engagement of learners for construction
    of knowledge
*  Giving  emphasis to experiences in learning
* Focusing on a variety of situations and multiplicity of methods
     for creating diverse experiences
*  Enabling  a better teacher-child relationship.

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